Head Start
Rev. Anita L. Shiver Kennedy - Program Director
Our overall mission is to “Provide the opportunity for education and training, employment and the right to live in decency and dignity, thus Helping People, Changing Lives.” EOC has played a significant role in advocating for the disenfranchised and assisting them in overcoming obstacles. Our commitment has been demonstrated through program initiatives that improve the quality of life for low-income people. EOC currently supervises eight full day Head Start Programs for children between the ages of three and five years old. Located throughout Nassau County, these programs provide a variety of educational, social, and health related activities for more than 600 low-income families.

Homemakers Program
David E. Pierri - Program Director
It is difficult after many years of responsible management of home and family to find yourself struggling to survive. We can help. The needs of the Displaced Homemaker are many. Displaced Homemakers must often acquired a sense of control and adjustment to their lives, both emotionally and economically.

JLK Soccer Program
Sergio Valencia - Program Director
The long term vision of the Hempstead Soccer Club is to use the technical, tactical skills, disciplines, and philosophies associated with the sport of soccer as a way to instill the confidence, motivation, and desire necessary to deal with life’s opportunities and challenges. We hope to enable our youth to excel in their endeavors and ultimately become responsible, accomplished, and professional citizens with a deep sense of integrity.

Rapid ReHousing
The Rapid Re-Housing program works with landlords who support the community by offering affordable housing to low-income individuals and families at fair market rent while the program works with individuals and families at facilitating security deposits, moving costs, utility payments and a fair market rent payments to those participating landlords.

Family Develpment Centers
The prime goals of the Family Development Centers in their early years were to develop or enable indigenous leadership in the target community to which it was addressing its attention. This was to be done by a variety of means, including participation on local Boards and Committee, direct employment in community development aspect of the agency, or creation of widening clientele for manpower or other community needs via Job Training, Education, and the like

Restore to Life
In alignment with the Economic Opportunity Commission of Nassau County, Inc. agency’s mission of collaboration and partnership through mentoring, the Restore to Life Program will empower individuals and families gain knowledge, skills and resources to improve the quality of their lives.